Challenging Procurement – Further guidance


Challenging Procurement – Further guidance

The complexities of buying and selling in public sector markets can be a significant hurdle and there have been many reports produced aimed at helping to showcase the range of possibilities open to innovative procurement teams.  However, recognising that many procurement teams don’t have time to read and keep up to date with all of these reports, we have put together a list of hyperlinks to key reports and highlighted some of the key findings below which we hope is a useful resource that we can build on over time.

Reports outlining the case for ‘challenging procurement’

The OECD Declaration is an official OECD instrument that establishes five principles, and associated actions, that governments or public organisations can use to inform (or enhance) innovation and its management.

This article discusses how a more complex and digital future will require a complete transformation of procurement as a function: having a broader mandate, way beyond just cost reduction; with a need for investment in digitization, automation and analytics; and rethinking the procurement organization.

In this paper, the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology provides recommendations on how to enhance the regulatory oversight of technological innovation.  This looks at the need to reduce regulatory barriers to trade in innovative products and services.

A key recommendation is the need for greater pre-commercial engagement, for procurement processes to better understand and articulate their needs up front and also the need to invest much more in procurement teams and processes to build capacity.

  • Markets for good, Creating effective public-private partnerships post-Brexit, Confederation of British Industry, March 2019

The report highlights the significant untapped opportunities to improve partnerships between the public and private sector within the current environment including boosting pre-market engagement. The report also calls for changes to current procurement rules to support a more efficient and effective government marketplace.

  • Buying into the future, how to deliver innovation through public procurement, Public, April 2019

Outlines the current state-of-play in the innovation procurement landscape focusing primarily on start-ups and breaking down procurement processes with recommendations for how procurement can be reformed to better support start-ups

Reports summarising state of the art in innovative procurement practices

The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 provide Commissioners with a great deal of flexibility to achieve the outcomes they seek for their communities. The purpose of this publication is to highlight some of the flexibilities, how to unlock them and some of the practical things that can be achieved within the scope of the law.

  • Innovative Procurement, Guidance and good practice on buying innovative products and services, European Commission, May 2018

This provides the latest guidance and good practice on buying innovative products and services in the EU.

This makes recommendations on the policies and practices that local government could follow to encourage innovative procurement. This review covers goods and services, and also examines the innovative aspects of integrating social value into procurement

  • The ICT Commissioning Playbook, Government Digital Service, Cabinet Office, supported by Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

The playbook focuses on ICT procurement reform and its part in the wider digital transformation of the public sector in countries around the world.  Its goal is to show how traditional procurement can evolve towards agile procurement.

The government’s Outsourcing Playbook, which has been designed to improve how government works with industry and deliver better public services.

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