How can innovation procurement drive new local transport services?

Connected Places Catapult's Smart Streets Manual equips local authorities with tools to procure innovative transport solutions, supporting digital growth, sustainability, and recovery post-COVID. The Challenging Procurement initiative aims to boost public procurement innovation, engaging SMEs and experts.


How can innovation procurement drive new local transport services?

Driving innovation is essential to support inclusive and sustainable growth is critical to the economic and social recovery from COVID, as well realising the Government’s net zero ambitions.

The Department of Transport (DfT) has expressed the ambition to make Britain the best place in the world to do transport digitally. Connected Places Catapult has developed a Manual for Smart Streets to enable services fit for the future, equipping local authorities with a toolkit to help procure and implement innovative digital solutions, as well as technical standards and guidance on implementation.

This session will discuss the impact of this work and consider some of the following questions:

  • What commissioning and procurement strategies can help us deliver future local transport services?
  • How can we support innovative suppliers achieving our strategic outcomes?
  • How can we engage communities as co-creators of innovative solutions?

You are invited to join the debate to discuss your ideas, experiences, and potential opportunities with our expert panel.

Challenging Procurement Programme

Connected Places Catapult is the UK’s innovation accelerator for cities, transport, and places. Working with local and national government, academia and industry to accelerate the integration of innovation which boost physical, digital and social connectivity in our countries, cities, towns and communities.

Connected Places Catapult launched a new initiative, Challenging Procurement, in 2019. The objectives are to unleash the potential of public procurement to deliver innovative products and services, while engaging innovative providers, especially SMEs. We have been collecting information and engaging experts from across the ecosystem, bringing together place leaders, procurement professionals, commissioners and innovators in local services, to share experiences of public procurement and identify examples of pioneering practice.