IPEC Research

Our ambition is to deepen understanding of the effectiveness of innovation procurement in driving innovation for better public services while boosting economic growth. Working with regional and local authorities we can disseminate best practice and empower local decision makers.

Overview of IPEC Research

Our ambition is to deepen understanding of the effectiveness of innovation procurement in driving innovation for better public services while boosting economic growth. Working with regional and local authorities we can disseminate best practice and empower local decision makers.

With the launch of the UK Innovation Strategy in 2021, and the Innovation, Science and Technology Framework in 2023, deploying public procurement as a driver of innovation has been recognised as a central UK policy objective. The 2024 Framework update said “We know that public procurement is a powerful lever to drive innovation nationally and nurture creativity and growth in local business communities”. However, as the Strategy spells out “the overall culture, expertise and incentive structure of the public sector means there is a low appetite for risk and experimentation”.

Our research partners

City REDI (University of Birmingham)

City REDI is a leading evidence-based and policy-focused academic research institute at the University of Birmingham, focused on inclusive economic, social, and environmental development.

Manchester Institute of innovation Research (MIoIR)

Manchester Institute of innovation Research (MIoIR) is a centre of excellence in the field of innovation studies based at the Alliance Manchester Business School.

Researchers in Residence

Researcher in Residence (RiR) is an initiative developed by The Innovation Launchpad Network+, Innovate UK, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Catapult Network. The scheme supports UK strategic goals, promotes academic engagement and is designed to enable researchers to work with the Catapults, undertaking a project or activity in an area of strategic importance. Successful applicants are awarded up to £50k to cover university salary costs, travel and accommodation during the placement, and consumables used at the host Catapult.

Dr Ian Heptinstall

University of Birmingham

Dr Katherine Sugar

The University of Manchester

Dr Luis Torres

University of Nottingham

Meet our research team

Rikesh Shah

Head of Innovation Procurement Empowerment Centre

Malcolm Harbour CBE

Associate Director
Connected Places Catapult

Nick Woodward

Academic Engagement Manager
Connected Places Catapult

Prof Elvira Uyarra

Executive Director
Manchester Institute of Innovation Research

Prof Fumi Kitagawa

Chair in Regional Economic Development
University of Birmingham
Latest Publication

The role of government buyers in shaping firm productivity

Pei-Yu Yuan, Raquel Ortega-Argilés, Elvira Uyarra