
This is my archive

Transforming Public Procurement: Unleashing the Potential for Innovation

The government recently conducted a consultation on their Green Paper for ‘Transforming Public Procurement’. Connected Places Catapult have compiled a response in partnership with our academic collaborators at the University of Birmingham (City REDI) and the University of Manchester (Manchester Institute of Innovation Research), bringing… Read More

Challenging Procurement – Events and Webinars

Pioneering place leaders are often not harnessing the creativity and innovation procurement opportunities of the market to solve their pressing service and policy challenges because the public procurement policy doesn’t allow it. That’s why Connected Places Catapult is engaged with experts and representative bodies from across the public… Read More

Challenging Procurement

Ask pioneering place leaders why they are not harnessing the creativity and innovation opportunities of the market to solve their pressing service and policy challenges and you will often get the response: “Procurement policy doesn’t allow it”.  In early 2019 we launched the Challenging Procurement initiative to understand and dismantle barriers to… Read More

Local Government’s Road To Net Zero

Our mission at Connected Places Catapult is to drive UK leadership to meet Net Zero targets, promoting sustained economic growth and wellbeing through integrated, efficient and sustainable technologies with a seamless approach. At Connected Places Catapult, we use our market-neutral position and domain expertise in the user-led and built-environment research… Read More

How do you solve a problem like Procurement?

“Governments and their public sector organisations operate in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous contexts and must contend with a variety of challenges, such as digital transformation, energy poverty, environmental degradation, climate change and inequality… In such a context, it cannot be assumed that existing structures, processes and interventions remain… Read More

The Business Map of Urban Innovation Opportunity after Covid-19

The discussion brought three critical issues to the fore: Covid-19 and the re-distribution of city innovation Covid-19 is shaking up the geography of innovation both within cities and between them. The pandemic also has demonstrated that different cities become resilient in different ways, depending on their urban form, industry mix,… Read More

PlanTech: Can Local Planning Authorities come together?

The art of successful urban planning should always be underpinned by local context, but in practice it tends to be constrained by a stifling uniformity across England’s many distinct localities. The recent emergence of PlanTech however has demonstrated how key challenges can be addressed and transformed with better use of technology… Read More

How Responses to Covid-19 can Energise Innovative Procurement

Emergency initiatives to address the COVID 19 crisis are dramatically demonstrating the value of public procurement in accelerating and deploying innovation. Legislation is often cited as a barrier to innovation. However, legal constraints do not appear to have inhibited COVID 19 responses. Indeed, rule makers in the UK and… Read More