Smarter Spending: A Live Case Study on How Innovation Can Deliver Digital Connectivity


Smarter Spending: A Live Case Study on How Innovation Can Deliver Digital Connectivity

Welcome to the last Smarter Spending webinar of 2023: A Live Case Study on How Innovation Can Deliver Digital Connectivity

In this episode with Rikesh Shah, Chris Founds shares his insights around digital connectivity and the innovative procurement processes he has applied in the highly regulated industry that shaped not only Greater Manchester area, but other local authorities across the UK.

After watching this webinar you will go away with knowledge of:

  • What Digital Connectivity is and why is it important
  • Who in local authorities is responsible for developing digital infrastructure strategy?
  • How to use testbeds for 5g deployment more effectively
  • What are the main barriers in scaling digital infrastructure and how to overcome them
  • Horizon scanning and how to stay up to date with emerging digital technologies
  • Possible opportunities to co-develop solutions between public and private sector


  • Rikesh Shan, Head of Innovation Procurement Empowerment Centre
  • Chris Founds, Director and Founding Partner at CJ Founds Associates