Lindsay Maguire

Lindsay is the Deputy Director for Procurement Reform Implementation at the Cabinet Office, where she oversees the effective implementation of the new Procurement Bill across the public sector. With over 10 years of private sector commercial experience, she has played key roles in shaping procurement reform policy and breaking down barriers to entry for small businesses.

Tina Holland LL.b (Hons) MCIPS

Tina is the Programme Manager for the procurement and commissioning programmes within the Local Government Association.  Tina has been with the LGA since 2003, where she heads the implementation of the National Procurement Strategy for local government. Her responsibilities include overseeing strategic supplier management, innovation, skills, and social value initiatives. Additionally, she collaborates on policy issues with public sector partners.

Robin Polding

Robin is Policy Lead for Innovation Commercialisation & Adoption at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. He leads DSIT’s work on supporting the Procurement strand of the Government’s Science and Technology Framework He has been involved in shaping innovation and technology policy for the UK Government since 2019.